EU officials want all AI-generated content to be labeled
European Commission Vice President, Vera Jourova, said that companies deploying generative AI tools with the potential to spread disinformation should be publicly labeled.
Atomic Wallet says hack affected 1% of active users, but investors claim otherwise
In the aftermath of the attack, Atomic Wallet — along with individual blockchain investigators — have amped up efforts to track and revert stolen funds.
Crypto lobbyists still fighting to axe 'unlawful' Tornado Cash sanctions
The crypto industry advocacy group has placed its support behind Coin Center and its lawsuit against the U.S. Treasury over its Tornado Cash sanctions.
Atomic Wallet hack losses top $35M, on-chain sleuth reports
Security teams are investigating the cause of the attack. Reports have surfaced of tokens being lost, transaction data being erased, and even entire crypto portfolios destroyed.
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