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Posts: 86


Why Bother Trying To Scale Bitcoin?

[Dec 3, 2024 6:03 PM] The public discussion around scaling in the last few years has become poisoned and captured by an incredibly toxic and defeatist attitude: “Why bother?”“Why bother trying to scale? Basic napkin math shows it's impossible no matter what we do for…

Snore of Value: Bitcoin’s Sleepwalk Towards Stasis

[May 6, 2024 1:00 PM] You know how the dodo bird became extinct? It became too fat to fly. In fact, the name ‘dodo’ likely originated from the Portuguese word, ‘simpleton’. The dodo bird lived very comfortably for much of its existence on an isolated island that lacked

Scaling Liberty: Bitcoin's Tension Between Ideology and Adoption

[Feb 23, 2024 9:30 AM] Since its inception over 15 years ago, Bitcoin has captured the imagination of libertarians, anarchists, and a variety of other advocates of individual liberty and financial sovereignty. To them, Bitcoin represented a revolutionary challenge to…