58 / 71 Relevant items tagged with #blockchain

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African Blockchain Business Funding Rose 429% in 2022 — Report

[Apr 20, 2023 4:30 AM] In 2022, African blockchain businesses raised a total of $474 million, a 429% increase from what was raised in the year earlier, the latest CVVC African blockchain funding report has revealed. The custody and exchanges category raised over $250…

Chip Giant Intel Abandons Bitcoin ASIC Production

[Apr 19, 2023 4:00 AM] After announcing the production of bitcoin application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), Intel, the world’s largest semiconductor chip manufacturer by revenue, appears to be abandoning its blockchain chip production. On Tuesday, a…

9 Tech YouTube channels to follow

[Apr 18, 2023 7:07 AM] Discover nine tech-focused YouTube channels covering topics such as programming, machine learning, cybersecurity, blockchain and Web3.

Much Ado About =Nil;

[Apr 17, 2023 6:15 AM] The mysterious company that calls itself nothing is helping zero-knowledge firms to scale blockchain quickly and cheaply. That’s something. And that’s why =nil; Foundation is one of CoinDesk’s Projects to Watch 2023