12 / 13 Relevant items tagged with #POLITICS

Posts: 373


Bitcoin Doesn’t Care About Progressives, But You Should

[May 4, 2023 6:00 AM] Bitcoin adoption is inevitable in the long run, but putting political division aside and building a broad coalition will shorten that path. This is an opinion editorial by Jason Maier, a teacher and author of “A Progressive’s Case For Bitcoin.”…

Global Political Leaders To Speak At Bitcoin 2023 Conference

[May 1, 2023 4:32 PM] Join global political leaders in Miami Beach, May 18-20, to experience the future of Bitcoin, build a stronger community and champion pro-Bitcoin legislation.Disclaimer: BTC Inc. owns both The Bitcoin Conference and Bitcoin Magazine.The Bitcoin…

The Bitcoin Culture War Won’t Win Mass Adoption

[Apr 21, 2023 6:00 AM] Prominent Bitcoiners, many of whom advocate “lifestyle maximalism,” may be hurting adoption by leaning in one political direction. This is an opinion editorial by Trey Walsh, the senior director for youth programs at the MassHire Metro North…

In Defense of a Digital Dollar

[Mar 22, 2023 2:51 PM] Fears about mass financial surveillance are real with CBDCs, but banning them, as Republicans have recently proposed, will not help. Instead, more research is needed, says Ananya Kumar.

Without Democracy, Bitcoin Will Fail

[Mar 19, 2023 6:00 AM] Despite its apolitical nature, Bitcoin needs our democracy to thrive just as much as our democracy needs Bitcoin to improve. This is an opinion editorial by Frank Kashner, founder of UnChainDemocracy.org.“Politics” are often defined as “the…