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The US Government Sold Nearly 10,000 Silk Road Bitcoin

[Mar 31, 2023 11:50 AM] Uncle Sam made off with more than $215 million this month as it began to liquidate portions of seized bitcoin.The United States government has been selling bitcoin confiscated from the Silk Road case in 2013. According to a court filing, the…

It’s a Small (Virtual) World After All

[Mar 31, 2023 10:05 AM] Disney reportedly lays off its metaverse team, and the U.K. Treasury cancels its NFT plans, but on the bright side, NFTs for tickets are having a moment.

First Mover Asia: Bitcoin Hovers Around $28,000

[Mar 30, 2023 7:44 PM] ALSO: A crypto investor, entrepreneur and market observer suggests that TradFi may be approaching a tipping point that benefits bitcoin, among other digital currencies, and could shift a large part of the crypto economy to Hong Kong.