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$48 Million Bitcoin Prius Set To Appear At Bitcoin 2023

[May 10, 2023 11:52 AM] Disclaimer: Bitcoin 2023 and Bitcoin Magazine are both operated by BTC Inc.The “Bitcoin Car,” a 2013 Toyota Prius that was purchased with 1,000 bitcoin, will be showcased at the upcoming Bitcoin 2023 conference in Miami Beach. The event will take…

The Death Of Trust: As Institutions Erode, Bitcoin Is Our Only Hope

[May 10, 2023 6:00 AM] This is an opinion editorial by Dan Weintraub, an author and high school teacher who first became interested in Bitcoin while teaching economics.Recently, I’ve been thinking a good deal about Balaji Srinivasan’s $1 million dollar bet that bitcoin…

Declaration Of Monetary Independence To Reappear At Bitcoin 2023

[May 9, 2023 5:25 PM] Disclaimer: Bitcoin 2023 and Bitcoin Magazine are both operated by BTC Inc.The Declaration of Monetary Independence (DoMI), which made an impressive debut at Bitcoin 2022 in Miami Beach, will once again be on display at Bitcoin 2023. The 9-foot by…

Orange-Pilling Secrets From An Ad Copywriter

[May 6, 2023 6:00 AM] This is an opinion editorial by SV, the editor-in-chief of BitcoinMaxiNews.com and a former professional advertising copywriter.After getting seriously into Bitcoin a while back, I decided to approach the subject of orange-pilling — which basically…

Bitcoin Doesn’t Care About Progressives, But You Should

[May 4, 2023 6:00 AM] Bitcoin adoption is inevitable in the long run, but putting political division aside and building a broad coalition will shorten that path. This is an opinion editorial by Jason Maier, a teacher and author of “A Progressive’s Case For Bitcoin.”…

Who Benefits From The New York Times’ Attacks On Bitcoin?

[May 2, 2023 6:00 AM] A recent editorial attack on Bitcoin mining by The New York Times raises questions about its journalistic integrity and editorial process. This is an opinion editorial by Level39, a researcher focused on Bitcoin, technology, history, ethics and…

Ordinals Are An Attack On El Salvador’s Bitcoin Mission

[May 1, 2023 6:00 AM] Support for a government-supported Ordinal collection from El Salvador demonstrates misunderstanding of what Bitcoin is really for.This is an opinion editorial by Jaime García, a Salvadoran-Canadian Bitcoiner and co-host of Global Bitcoin Fest.The…

The Great Restoration: How Bitcoin Can Fix The Art World

[Apr 25, 2023 12:00 PM] The traditional art market is opaque, exclusive and difficult for creators to navigate. But Bitcoin could usher in a renaissance. This is an opinion editorial by Rebel Money, a visual artist who focuses on Bitcoin themes and advocates for other…

A Seized Bitcoin Stack Could Be Bulgaria's Golden Ticket

[Apr 24, 2023 6:00 AM] After seizing 213,000 bitcoin in 2017, Bulgaria now has an opportunity to become one of the wealthiest countries on earth. This is an opinion editorial by Ahmed Botan, a marketing professional with a focus on Bitcoin-based projects.Bulgaria, a…

The Bitcoin Culture War Won’t Win Mass Adoption

[Apr 21, 2023 6:00 AM] Prominent Bitcoiners, many of whom advocate “lifestyle maximalism,” may be hurting adoption by leaning in one political direction. This is an opinion editorial by Trey Walsh, the senior director for youth programs at the MassHire Metro North…

Orange Pill App Is Accelerating Hyperbitcoinization In Real Life

[Apr 20, 2023 7:01 AM] Orange Pill App brings Bitcoiners together, demonstrates demand for adoption to local businesses and propels the bitcoin standard. This is an opinion editorial by Robert Hall, a content creator and small business owner who has an Orange Pill App…