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Posts: 28


10 Steps to Self-Sovereignty with Bitcoin

[Jun 5, 2024 2:29 PM] Bitcoin Magazine's "10 Steps to Self-Sovereignty" series in partnership with Ledger is officially concluded. Over the last few months we have gone through many different topics, ranging from specific guides on how to manage and interact with your…

The Infosec Basics: How to Keep Your Bitcoin Seed Phrase Secure

[Mar 29, 2024 8:30 AM] When it comes to self custodying your bitcoin, there is one inescapable fact: the buck stops with you. You are responsible for your own funds, you are responsible for keeping them safe, you are responsible for everything. This can be a daunting…

The Worst Ways To Lose Your Bitcoin

[Aug 17, 2023 6:00 AM] This is an opinion editorial by Konstantin Rabin, a finance and technology writer.When it comes to doing stupid things, we all have had our own experiences, but few mistakes are as costly as the ones made with Bitcoin. Over the years, I have seen…

Web3 Must Overcome Significant UX Challenges to Reach Mass Adoption

[Nov 12, 2022 5:30 AM] User experience (UX) design affects nearly every waking moment of our lives. It’s not just digital either. Have you ever thought about the UX of doors? Perhaps a brief refresher of what UX is, will help. A useful definition of UX is as follows: ”A…