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Posts: 4


Unyted + Vesa

[Dec 4, 2024 7:23 PM] Unyted we (meta) stand Many of the fancy metaverse projects take loooong to build and often require developers and budgets just to stay alive. In fact, one of my favorite ones had the whole company collapse around it in the build phase. I…

Proof of Censorship

[Nov 23, 2024 9:57 AM] Here you have a Greek tragedy of a downward spiral in art, culminating in a work being sold by a horse-era institution, propped up by 100 years of destructive philosophy, confirmed shadow games since the 1940s, recent inflationary money printing…

Swiss Web3 Tornado

[Sep 26, 2023 9:07 AM] Coin Fam In the last article we teased VESA being in Switzerland, and how the country is advancing leaps and bounds in the eyes of the international crypto community, but today we will give you the lowdown on what the Swiss Web3 Fest was all about…

The Edge and Beyond

[Apr 3, 2023 5:51 AM] Salim Ismail is the author of Exponential Organizations. He’s an XPRIZE Foundation Board member, Founding Executive Director of Singularity University; Chairman of OpenExO & ExO Works, etc He is prolific speaker that has spoken in front…