[Jun 14, 2024 8:00 AM] U.S. presidential candidate and former 45th President Donald Trump has been proposing the idea of eliminating the country’s income tax and substituting it with tariffs. Trump Discusses Tariff-Based Revenue System With Republican Lawmakers On…
[Oct 5, 2023 1:21 AM] Pro-Bitcoin Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has, at different times, jumped to the defense of the flagship cryptocurrency, BTC. This time, he promises to protect it if elected as President during the Presidential elections next year…
[Jul 31, 2023 10:00 AM] For an industry that rarely gets mainstream political support, Bitcoin recently received a massive endorsement after Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy spoke out in support of the cryptocurrency. According to RFK, arguments against…
[Jul 10, 2023 10:00 AM] Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, has come forward to clarify that he does, in fact, hold a sizeable quantity of Bitcoin, despite his earlier denial of having a Bitcoin investment during a conference in…
[Jun 23, 2023 8:30 AM] U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke in an interview with the New York Post on June 22, 2023, and discussed a wide range of topics, including vaccines and bitcoin. Kennedy stated that if he becomes president, he will ensure that…
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