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Posts: 23


Corporate Bitcoin Adoption Surges in 2024, River Report Reveals

[Sep 8 4:05 PM] Corporate adoption of bitcoin has experienced a significant surge in 2024, according to a recent report from River, a U.S.-based bitcoin-focused financial services company. The report highlights the growing role of bitcoin in business treasuries…

The US Fed is Sitting On A $1.2 Trillion Loss On Its Bond Portfolio

[Mar 14, 2023 11:00 AM] The United States Federal Reserve (Fed) is sitting on a $1.2 trillion loss on its $8.3 trillion bond portfolio. Is The FED Failing? Out of their bond portfolio, the United States central bank is losing money by paying commercial banks via reverse…

Brussels Set to Begin Talks on EU Crypto Tax, Report Reveals

[Nov 12, 2022 1:30 AM] The European Commission is preparing to discuss with member states the adoption of a common tax regime for crypto assets, European officials have indicated. The talks with national treasuries are expected to start next year with the aim to end the…