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Posts: 46


The Evolving Efficiency of Bitcoin Markets

[Jul 24 11:30 AM] Low liquidity, regulatory uncertainty and speculative behavior contributes to inefficiency in crypto markets. But systematic approaches, including momentum indexes, can reduce risks to investors, says Gregory Mall, head of investment solutions at…

Elon Musk Laser Eyes Profile Picture Sparks Speculation

[Jul 22 2:30 AM] The recent addition of laser eyes, a feature popular among bitcoin enthusiasts, to Elon Musk’s profile picture has spurred speculation around his potential involvement in the upcoming Bitcoin 2024 Conference to be held in Nashville…

People’s Bank of China Governor Vows to Curb Crypto Speculation

[Oct 23, 2023 1:30 AM] The new governor of China’s central bank has promised to stop speculation associated with cryptocurrency transactions in the country. Pan Gongsheng made the vow in a report detailing measures to maintain the stability of the Chinese financial…

Bangladesh Eyes BRICS Invite as Rumors Swirl of Formal Request

[Jun 19, 2023 11:30 PM] In mid-May, several reports indicated that Bangladesh and India were engaging in currency trading using their respective currencies in order to address U.S. dollar liquidity challenges. Recent sources now reveal that Bangladesh is welcoming a…