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Posts: 15


Digital Assets for 1 Billion Rubles Issued in Russia in a Month

[May 7, 2023 3:30 AM] Platforms authorized by the Russian government issued digital assets worth around a billion rubles in April, the local press reported. The spike in the volume has been attributed to Russian companies experimenting with new financial instruments…

Russia’s Largest Private Bank Launches Digital Asset Platform

[Feb 5, 2023 3:00 PM] Alfa-Bank, one of the major Russian banking institutions, has established its own platform for digital financial assets. The launch became possible after Russia’s monetary authority added Alfa-Bank to its register of digital asset issuers this…

Gold-Based Digital Assets Issued in Russia

[Dec 29, 2022 2:30 AM] A blockchain platform built by Russia’s largest banking institution, Sber, has been used to issue digital assets based on gold. The value of the tokenized precious metal will depend on the prices of physical gold, the bank said, emphasizing that…