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Posts: 20


Swift to Pilot Digital Asset and Currency Transactions in 2025

[Oct 6 11:30 PM] Swift will begin live trials for digital asset and currency transactions in 2025, engaging banks across North America, Europe, and Asia in a major step toward real-world applications. By leveraging its existing network, Swift aims to merge digital…

Coinflip Expands Cryptocurrency ATM Services to Mexico

[Aug 28 3:30 PM] Coinflip has officially launched its digital currency kiosks, otherwise known as automated teller machines (ATMs), in Mexico, marking its second expansion in North America. The latest expansion follows the company’s entry into the Canadian…

Canada Has Declared A Local War On Bitcoin Mining

[Jan 4, 2023 12:16 PM] Multiple local governments across Canada have started to make life much harder for bitcoin miners.North America became the leading hub of bitcoin mining activity after China’s abrupt ban in May 2021. While the United States has grabbed most of the…