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Posts: 58


How To Create And Mint Your Own NFTs On The Ethereum Network

[Feb 4 3:00 AM] The allure of creating your own NFTs and BRC-20 tokens is undeniable. For artists, owning and monetizing their digital creations through NFTs offers a new level of control and potential financial reward. Beyond the realm of art, NFTs can foster…

African Blockchain Business Funding Rose 429% in 2022 — Report

[Apr 20, 2023 4:30 AM] In 2022, African blockchain businesses raised a total of $474 million, a 429% increase from what was raised in the year earlier, the latest CVVC African blockchain funding report has revealed. The custody and exchanges category raised over $250…

Web3 Experiential Tokens and Asset Pricing

[Apr 5, 2023 10:00 AM] Web3 consumer engagement models are still in their infancy, but could have the potential to unlock incremental value and enable price discovery for creators and investors alike.