282 / 434 Relevant items tagged with #NEWS

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Sweeping U.S. Tax Proposal Met With Boos From Crypto World

[Aug 25, 2023 9:23 AM] An immediate burst of criticism from the crypto industry shows the U.S. Treasury Department’s new proposal on how to handle digital assets taxes will face a long road as it enters a months-long period of public comments and hearings.

Palau’s Stablecoin Audit Process Advances

[Aug 25, 2023 4:30 AM] Palau’s Ripple-backed stablecoin pilot audit process is advancing, with the Ministry of Finance collaborating with auditors and turning in more than 200 documents for review. Jay Hunter Anson, a Palau Ministry of Finance member, explained he…

Coinbase Is Talking With Canadian Banking Giants to Promote Crypto

[Aug 24, 2023 1:43 PM] U.S.-based crypto exchange Coinbase is in talks with Canadian banking giants, trying to convince them to support the crypto ecosystem in that nation, which the company recently entered as it grapples with regulatory uncertainty in its home country.