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Mi Primer Bitcoin Promotes Two Staff Members to Leadership Roles

[Sep 16, 2024 2:00 PM] In the wake of Mi Primer Bitcoin’s three-year anniversary, the El Salvador-based organization announced that it has promoted two of its staff members — Reyna Chicas and Quentin Ehrenmann — to leadership positions.Chicas, a native Salvadoran who has

Bitcoin Mining Shutdown Cause 20% Surge in Electricity Bills

[Sep 16, 2024 1:26 PM] The closure of a Bitcoin mining facility in the Norwegian town of Hadsel has led to a 20% increase in electricity bills for residents. The mine was shut down after the municipality declined to renew its permit due to noise complaints.Kryptovault…

Rives Launches Doom Olympics: A Competitive Onchain Gaming Event

[Sep 14, 2024 4:35 PM] Rives, a blockchain gaming project, has announced the launch of its Doom Olympics, a unique competition built on the Cartesi platform. The tournament will feature seven distinct challenges inspired by the classic video game Doom, rewarding top…