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Posts: 12


BRICS Leaders to Talk Expansion at August Summit, Host Confirms

[Jul 19, 2023 1:30 AM] The leaders of the BRICS states will discuss the organization’s enlargement when they meet in South Africa, the country’s president indicated. The summit is set take place in August when over a dozen countries will hope to be given a path to…

Bangladesh Eyes BRICS Invite as Rumors Swirl of Formal Request

[Jun 19, 2023 11:30 PM] In mid-May, several reports indicated that Bangladesh and India were engaging in currency trading using their respective currencies in order to address U.S. dollar liquidity challenges. Recent sources now reveal that Bangladesh is welcoming a…

BRICS Bank in Membership Talks With Saudi Arabia, Report Reveals

[May 28, 2023 4:00 PM] The development bank set up by the BRICS bloc is negotiating with Saudi Arabia on accepting the country as a member, according to a press report. The talks come as the bank, created as an alternative to similar institutions led by the West, seeks…