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Posts: 13


Everyone's Thinking About Second Layers Is Backwards

[Nov 8, 2023 9:30 AM] I have written quite a bit about my concerns regarding drivechains and miner incentives over the years, because I think it is a very important set of risks to be aware of. Bitcoin is almost 15 years old as a live network at this point, and it has…

Readers React To Drivechain Incentive Concerns

[Sep 20, 2023 1:06 PM] Shinobi’s Strawman is a weekly series where our Technical Editor Shinobi challenges the Bitcoin community, aiming to stir up conversation around heated technical debates._________________________________________________________________Here is part…

Fixing The Incentives: Fiat Money Fuels Broken Corporations

[Feb 20, 2023 10:00 AM] The broken incentives driven by fiat money props up large corporations, keeping workers unproductive and stifling entrepreneurial innovation.This is an opinion editorial by Jimmy Song, a Bitcoin developer, educator and entrepreneur and programmer…

Bitcoin Songsheet: How Fiat Money Ruins Civilization

[Nov 17, 2022 12:39 PM] Fiat money leads to a degradation of incentives, creating a society motivated only by the consumption of resources and zero value production.This is an opinion editorial by Jimmy Song, a Bitcoin developer, educator and entrepreneur and programmer…