[Jun 27, 2023 5:36 AM] The heart of crypto in the capital of the United Arab Emirates is actually just offshore in the Abu Dhabi Global Markets, an economic free zone. With a mandate to encourage fintech, the No. 6 spot in CoinDesk’s Crypto Hubs 2023 keeps the lines of…
[Jun 27, 2023 5:33 AM] America’s least populous state has passed three dozen laws regulating crypto. That has helped attract crypto, blockchain and Web3 employers and made the No. 7 spot in CoinDesk’s Crypto Hubs 2023 the most crypto-friendly state in an otherwise…
[Jun 27, 2023 5:31 AM] The storied birthplace of the U.S. tech industry is dripping with talent and money. But crypto founders who live in the No. 8 spot on CoinDesk’s Crypto Hubs 2023 list say that Web3 is losing ground to artificial intelligence in the race to capture…
[Jun 27, 2023 5:31 AM] A critical mass of the world’s top Bitcoin developers and mining companies call the No. 9 spot in CoinDesk’s Crypto Hubs 2023 their home, lured by the city’s attractive weather, live music and food scene, as well as the lack of state income…
[Jun 27, 2023 5:30 AM] When the tech hub of Europe meets a society that prizes financial autonomy, the result is a crypto community that practices the very decentralization it preaches. Case in point: Blockchain Week Berlin, the flagship annual conference of the No. 10…
[Jun 27, 2023 5:28 AM] The City of Angels is a global influencer in art, fashion and, especially, entertainment. Less known are its significant contributions in technology innovation. Together, the No. 11 spot on CoinDesk’s Crypto Hubs 2023 is a Web3 power. Plus it has…
[Jun 27, 2023 5:20 AM] The Big Apple is big everything. The world’s financial center, it also has a huge population not only of talented developers to hire, but consumers to sell to. In such a huge and bustling ecosystem, crypto may not rate as the city’s highest…
[Jun 27, 2023 5:16 AM] As veterans of past city lists we aimed to produce a meaningful ranking of the best places in the world to live and work in crypto, blockchain and Web3. Here’s how we did it.
[Jun 27, 2023 5:15 AM] This small and picturesque coastal city has plenty of crypto jobs, companies and events. But the No. 13 spot in CoinDesk’s Crypto Hubs 2023 is handcuffed by regulatory uncertainty in Canada, generally, that recently has led to national exits of…
[Jun 27, 2023 5:13 AM] This unsung Central European success story features famous philosophers, a striking landscape and a high quality of life. And the No. 14 spot in CoinDesk’s Crypto Hubs 2023 has a crypto ecosystem that punches vastly above its weight.
[Jun 27, 2023 5:05 AM] Portugal’s coastal capital offers a top-shelf European quality of life at discount prices. The No. 15 spot on CoinDesk’s Crypto Hubs 2023 attracts creative and entrepreneurial expats with a lively calendar of Web3 events, prized “digital nomad”…
[Jun 22, 2023 2:01 PM] While other industries like entertainment and loyalty programs have the potential to onboard millions of new users into Web3, gaming provides fertile ground for the seeds of mass adoption. Gamers are already familiar with virtual currency and…
[Jun 22, 2023 2:01 PM] From creating rich NFT ecosystems to integrating crypto payments into existing models, entertainment giants, talent agencies and creative networks continue to find new ways to organically weave in Web3.
[Jun 22, 2023 2:01 PM] The conversation around NFTs has shifted from speculation to utility. Now, major players have opted to use NFTs to power loyalty, membership and ticketing services, signaling positive signs for mass adoption.
[Jun 21, 2023 7:30 AM] Shitcoins and NFTs invaded Bitcoin 2023, but most attendees didn’t seem to mind. Can Ordinals usher in a new era of Magic Internet Money?
[Jun 16, 2023 9:11 AM] Tether's banking relationships were detailed in a rare but limited window into the reserves behind USDT, the crypto market’s largest stablecoin, in documents obtained by CoinDesk under a Freedom of Information Law request.
[Jun 15, 2023 7:30 AM] Fighting between GOP crypto maxis and anti-crypto Dems fails to appreciate blockchain’s importance to the U.S.’ long-term economic interests.
[Jun 13, 2023 8:24 AM] XRP’s uber-passionate supporters believe the SEC unfairly targeted Ripple for securities violations while mysteriously giving Ethereum a free pass. Do they have a point?
[Jun 12, 2023 10:33 AM] The hype around artificial intelligence is drawing away capital and talent from Web3. But AI and and crypto are overlapping technologies, with potential for each to influence the other, says Jeff Wilser.
[Jun 12, 2023 7:30 AM] Is AI an existential threat like nuclear weapons, or as likely to kill us as a toaster? Why all AI fields advance at once, and dumb pic puns.
[Jun 9, 2023 2:27 PM] Fresh court documents detail how two administrators of the now-defunct BTC-e exchange stole and laundered bitcoin from Mt.Gox, the hacked bitcoin exchange.
[Jun 9, 2023 7:23 AM] Consensus 2023 visitors discussed DeFi's growth, its need to comply with regulations, and the challenges of balancing crypto-native concepts with traditional finance requirements.
[Jun 8, 2023 9:23 AM] The Ethereum developer is accused of squeezing former employees out of shares held in a previous incarnation of the company. The case, which could have wide-ranging consequences for ConsenSys, reaches its next stage today.
[Jun 8, 2023 7:44 AM] Consensus 2023 guests highlighted their concerns over 'decentralization theater' in DeFi projects, emphasizing the importance of genuine decentralization in the development of the Web3 ecosystem
[Jun 8, 2023 7:44 AM] Consensus 2023 attendees argued that improving crypto's image requires a clearer explanation of digital assets and a focus on tangible, user-centric products and services
[Jun 7, 2023 1:08 PM] From chatbots to deep blockchain data analysis, artificial intelligence can help Web3 news organizations function. But there are plenty of pitfalls too.
[Jun 7, 2023 11:47 AM] Recent moves by Saudi Arabia, Russia and China have raised fears that the U.S. dollar could lose its preferred status for oil trading. And yet alternative national currencies aren’t that appealing. Could a Bitcoin-like currency do better?
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