[Oct 11, 2024 4:11 PM] Airdrop farmers are up in arms over the release of layer-2 network Scroll's airdrop allocation this week, with 7% being set aside for early adopters whilst centralized exchange Binance will receive 5.5% for its Launchpool users.
[Apr 17, 2023 6:00 AM] The value and economic opportunities that Bitcoin presents are ideal for the diverse, dynamic, rural regions of the U.S. This is an opinion editorial by Hongumart, a frontline healthcare worker who resides in rural Midwestern America.Rural America…
[Feb 13, 2023 7:00 AM] Jack and Liv, two Midwestern homesteaders and Bitcoiners, discuss their farm, food health and how Bitcoiners inherently understand symbiosis.This edition of the “Bitcoin Homesteaders” series brings you a conversation with Jack and Liv, homesteaders…
[Feb 9, 2023 7:00 AM] Meet Erin, a Bay Area urban farmer and astrologist who sees Bitcoin and homesteading as community-focused ways of becoming self-sufficient.In this edition of the “Bitcoin Homesteaders Interview Series,” I spoke with Erin, who built an urban farm in…
[Jan 10, 2023 7:00 AM] A homesteader in Portugal shares her experiences running a farm, feeding her family and supporting a Bitcoin community through workshops.In the conversation for this article, Julia joined me from her home in Southern Portugal to chat about her…
[Nov 6, 2022 8:00 PM] As costs continue to rise, one farmer began mining bitcoin. He shares his experience in order to help other farmers who find themselves in a similar situation.This is an opinion editorial by AlbertaHodl, a Canadian dairy and beef farmer and a…
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