[Oct 9, 2023 5:30 AM] According to Pavel Salas, the chief growth officer at Gear Foundation, on-chain smart contract automation makes applications “truly decentralized” because it “removes dependencies on centralized servers or external…
[Oct 9, 2023 5:00 AM] The latest in blockchain tech upgrades, funding announcements and deals. For the week of Oct. 9-15, with live updates throughout.
[Sep 20, 2023 12:00 PM] Bitcoin and Ethereum, despite acting as twin forces for accelerating and adopting cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, have historically been at odds with each other due to the “L1 wars” and their vocal online proponents. To some, the…
[Sep 4, 2023 11:30 PM] Rune Christensen, a co-founder of Maker, the Ethereum-based stablecoin protocol, has proposed to reimplement the protocol on a new chain forked from Solana. This move would be the final part of “Endgame,” an update to the protocol that…
[Sep 1, 2023 9:51 PM] Rune Christensen stated that Solana’s codebase should be the foundation of MakerDAO’s upcoming blockchain, as he highlighted that it’s optimized for building “highly efficient blockchains.”
[Aug 31, 2023 7:00 AM] The new feature "Arbitrum Stylus" will make it easy to write smart contracts using computer languages compatible with the WebAssembly or WASM standard – seen as far more common than the Ethereum Virtual Machine or EVM standard that many blockchain…
[Jun 28, 2023 9:59 AM] By making their code open source and easy to replicate, projects including Arbitrum, Optimism and zkSync are making it easier for copycat blockchains to steal away their users – in pursuit of broader ecosystems of related networks.
[Jun 1, 2023 8:10 AM] While ChatGPT-4 can’t compete with human auditors yet, OpenZeppelin noted it was not optimized to do so, and AI models trained for this purpose would likely be more accurate.
[May 3, 2023 7:12 AM] Google Cloud Marketplace adds support for nine different blockchain APIs, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, through integration with layer-1 Oracle network Flare.
[Mar 6, 2023 1:30 PM] The Rollkit development team has announced that Bitcoin has been integrated as a means for sovereign rollups to store and retrieve data. The developers have stated that it is now possible to run the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) on Bitcoin as a…
[Mar 2, 2023 2:50 AM] Ranked 28th in CoinGecko’s cryptocurrency list, Filecoin (FIL) has been benefitting from the recent flip in market sentiment. Today’s market data shows that Ethereum, the market’s top altcoin, is up 1% in the daily time frame…
[Feb 24, 2023 9:30 AM] Customizable rollup provider Eclipse announced that the startup is launching a scaling solution that is compatible with Solana and Polygon. Eclipse disclosed that the Layer 2 blockchain can run smart contracts on Solana, and decentralized…
[Feb 9, 2023 6:15 AM] Fan token platform Chiliz validates the genesis block of its new layer-1 EVM compatible blockchain to mark its five year anniversary.
[Feb 3, 2023 5:00 AM] Addressable, a decentralized marketing startup, has raised $7.5 million in its seed round to tackle the current marketing woes in the Web3 area. The company claims its software can pair the onchain addresses of users with their social accounts…
[Feb 2, 2023 2:30 PM] The Ethereum scaling network Optimism, which operates as a layer two (L2) network, announced plans to upgrade its network in March. The upgrade, named “Bedrock,” aims to increase transfer speed, lower fees, and enhance compatibility…
[Dec 8, 2022 12:30 PM] According to the team behind the open protocol Ren, developers are winding down the Ren 1.0 network following the FTX and Alameda Research collapse. Last year, under previous Ren leadership, Alameda acquired Ren and was funding development every…
[Nov 27, 2022 8:22 AM] Forming the backbone of the Ethereum Blockchain, EVM provides developers with a run-time environment to build DApps and other applications.
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