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Posts: 23


Crypto Staking in the Crosshairs: IRS Unveils New Tax Guidance

[Aug 1, 2023 8:00 AM] The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a decree stating that American citizens drawing income from cryptocurrency staking services must categorize the value of those digital assets as gross income, the moment they officially take…

The Debate Around “Cursed” Ordinal Inscriptions

[May 31, 2023 2:00 PM] After only four months since the protocol was launched, ord has its first contentious debate about what are known as “cursed” inscriptions.The simplest definition of a cursed inscription is any inscription that does not currently get indexed and…

In 2023, Bitcoiners Must Stop Shooting (Or Blocking) The Messengers

[Jan 23, 2023 7:00 AM] As the New Year begins, Bitcoiners should take this opportunity to engage with constructive criticism.This is an opinion editorial by Heidi Porter, an entrepreneur with 35 years in the tech industry.I love Bitcoin — and the world that Bitcoin helps…