[May 19, 2023 4:41 AM] The stablecoins with the largest market cap are pegged to the U.S. dollar, so what risk does de-dollarization pose to stablecoin users?
[May 18, 2023 6:00 PM] Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has announced that Venezuela will shift away from using U.S. dollars in trade, emphasizing that the de-dollarization process is “inevitable.” He described: “This is the path of Venezuela and the path…
[May 18, 2023 2:00 AM] Brazilian President Luiz Inacio ‘Lula’ da Silva has announced that state oil company Petrobras will not be using US dollar-based international prices to set its internal fuel pricing structure. The “Brazilianization” of the…
[May 16, 2023 5:30 PM] A Canadian economist and professor at the University of British Columbia says the role of the U.S. dollar in international trade and as a reserve currency has been declining. “Other currencies have been getting more important in international…
[May 14, 2023 7:30 AM] Twitter CEO Elon Musk has shared what he calls a “massive incentive” to get money out of bank accounts, noting “bank depositor flight will accelerate to extreme levels, even for banks that are ‘too big to fail.’” Personal finance
[May 13, 2023 8:00 PM] The leaders of 10 Southeast Asian nations, members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), have agreed to “encourage the use of local currencies for economic and financial transactions.” The group comprises Brunei…
[May 8, 2023 9:30 PM] Bank of America has warned that the key threats to the U.S. dollar’s dominance are largely domestic, as opposed to competition from other currencies, including a BRICS currency. “U.S. fiscal brinkmanship, with risks for government shutdown, or even…
[May 8, 2023 2:30 PM] Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and one of the most renowned investors in the market, stated that he saw no viable option to become the world’s reserve currency besides the U.S. dollar. However, he warned about the dangers that…
[Apr 30, 2023 6:00 AM] Another week has passed in the world of crypto and finance, with the anniversary of Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto’s last known emails, predictions of massive declines in Americans’ standard of living, and important developments at…
[Apr 29, 2023 8:00 PM] U.S. Senator Rand Paul has warned that the U.S. dollar could lose its status as a global reserve currency. “For a variety of reasons, both foreign policy as well as fiscal irresponsibility, yes, the dollar is in a precarious position,” said the…
[Apr 28, 2023 12:00 AM] Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has spoken on the current shift to national currencies and the de-dollarization international markets are currently experiencing. In a press conference after addressing the UN Security Council on April 25…
[Apr 26, 2023 10:07 PM] The United States must capitalize on the “high demand” for digitally native U.S. dollars, particularly from those in emerging economies with weak local banking systems, the Circle CEO says.
[Apr 25, 2023 4:30 PM] Economist Peter St Onge has warned that U.S. dollar weaponization will lead to “soaring inflation, a catastrophic fallen American standard of living, and a U.S. that falls off the world stage.” Commenting on the economist’s warnings…
[Apr 24, 2023 9:30 PM] Indonesia is following the BRICS’ lead in de-dollarization and shifting away from the U.S. dollar in trade settlements and financial transactions, according to the country’s central bank governor. The BRICS nations are working on creating a…
[Apr 24, 2023 3:30 PM] Ron Paul, the former U.S. presidential candidate and former U.S. congressman, has stated that recent geopolitical events have caused nations to start ditching the U.S. dollar. Paul stated that the debasement of the currency, the manipulation of…
[Apr 23, 2023 6:00 AM] Bitcoin proponents eyeing fiat failures are in no shortage of news on the topic as of late, as multiple officials, economists, authors, and analysts from around the world have been weighing in on “de-dollarization” in a prolific…
[Apr 22, 2023 4:30 AM] According to U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the United States government is prepared to take the steps necessary to ensure its financial system remains the world’s strongest and safest. Yellen said that the U.S. government will not…
[Apr 20, 2023 8:30 PM] A University of Tehran professor and member of Iran’s Presidential Delegation to China has stressed the importance of de-dollarization for the international community. “The dollar has been used as a weapon by the U.S. against different…
[Apr 20, 2023 4:30 PM] Fewer nations are willing to hold the U.S. dollar as America’s share in the global economy becomes smaller while China’s role in international trade expands, billionaire Ray Dalio noted. The founder of the world’s largest hedge fund also said that
[Apr 17, 2023 2:00 PM] This year, there has been a flurry of news reports and opinion editorials discussing an alleged de-dollarization trend amid a wave of disclosures associated with the BRICS bloc. In a recent article, the American political scientist and author Ian…
[Apr 16, 2023 8:30 PM] Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s chief adviser on foreign policy, Celso Amorim, says China and Brazil “are coming closer together” and they could play important roles in building a less centralized world with no…
[Apr 15, 2023 9:30 PM] Russia’s foreign minister says a flight from the U.S. dollar “is sure to accelerate,” emphasizing that “this trend is irreversible.” The official added: “The path of sanctions is the path to nowhere. Serious countries…
[Apr 15, 2023 7:30 PM] Jeffrey Tucker says we are at the turning point for the U.S. dollar, citing a growing de-dollarization trend. “The dollar’s just not going to be king,” he warned, adding that history will record recent events “as the turning…
[Apr 13, 2023 6:00 PM] Economist Peter C. Earle says de-dollarization has begun, emphasizing that “It’s not just the conscription of the dollar in economic warfare, but increasingly error-fraught monetary policy regimes that are driving various interests away from…
[Apr 13, 2023 5:50 AM] Tech entrepreneur, angel investor, and author of The Network State, Balaji Srinivasan, says a proverbial “giant robot” of supportive governing bodies and crypto proponents is needed to do battle with the “giant monster” of…
[Apr 11, 2023 8:00 PM] Economist Nouriel Roubini, also known as “Dr. Doom,” predicts that the global reserve currency system will shift from unipolar to bipolar. He expects most countries that attempt to reduce their reliance on the U.S. dollar to propose the…
[Apr 7, 2023 10:30 PM] Tucker Carlson, host of Fox News and the “Tucker Carlson Tonight” show, analyzed the situation surrounding de-dollarization movements that countries like China and Russia have promoted recently. Carlson stated that sanctions on Russia…
[Mar 31, 2023 2:30 AM] China has been advancing its goal of positioning the yuan as an alternative to the U.S. dollar for settling international payments. The Chinese government recently struck a bilateral deal with Brazil to settle trades using their national currencies…
[Mar 12, 2023 6:30 AM] It’s been a turbulent week in finance with the so-called crypto-friendly Silvergate Bank announcing its liquidation, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren blaming the event on “crypto risk,” and individuals on social media pointing out…
[Feb 26, 2023 7:00 AM] In spite of turbulence in traditional global finance, with BRICS nations said to be pushing for de-dollarization and major banks like Bank of America and Goldman Sachs predicting further interest rate hikes from the U.S. Federal Reserve, creativity…
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