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The Next Decade, Part 4: Actual Predictions

[Feb 20 3:00 PM] Bitcoin Magazine The Next Decade, Part 4: Actual Predictions Think back through Bitcoin’s history. I guarantee you a handful of events just popped into your mind first, like landmarks. If you kept thinking your mind probably started filling in from…

The Next Decade, Part 4: Actual Predictions

[Feb 20 3:00 PM] Think back through Bitcoin’s history. I guarantee you a handful of events just popped into your mind first, like landmarks. If you kept thinking your mind probably started filling in from there with those landmark events as anchors.Don’t take these…

The Next Decade, Part 3: The Road Blocks(And Roads Around?)

[Feb 19 3:00 PM] Bitcoin Magazine The Next Decade, Part 3: The Road Blocks(And Roads Around?) Bitcoin Banks (or Binks). It’s happening. Guaranteed. Done deal. In the bag. It’s just a question of when? Germany cleared banks to custody and handle Bitcoin and…

The Next Decade, Part 3: The Road Blocks(And Roads Around?)

[Feb 19 3:00 PM] Bitcoin Banks (or Binks). It’s happening. Guaranteed. Done deal. In the bag. It’s just a question of when? Germany cleared banks to custody and handle Bitcoin and Bitcoin accounts for customer starting 2020. Who will be the first?This is one thing…

The Next Decade, Part 2: The Road Ahead

[Feb 18 3:00 PM] We’re already starting to see the seeds of second layer potential develop from the base layer primitives that have been added or optimized in the first decade. Lightning, while still subject to some pretty big limitations, is really starting to…

The Next Decade, Part 1: The Road Behind

[Feb 17 5:13 PM] It’s a new year, and with that new year come all the normal social media circle jerking centered around predictions of “what will happen in 2020!” I wanted to extend that out a bit, and look at the next decade. But first, I wanted to spend a minute

Bitcoin’s Core Remains Unbreakable

[Feb 6 2:09 PM] Bitcoin was forged to be unstoppable in a hostile environment, but let’s be perfectly clear: surviving and thriving are two different things. Just because Bitcoin can withstand severe political antagonism doesn’t mean we should want that…

Bitcoin and Benjamin Franklin

[Jan 31 8:07 PM] The New NemesisThere is no doubt that the last cycles of elections worldwide, particularly in the U.S., have revealed several “elephants in the room” filled with hypocritic actions, psychological experiments subjecting the proletariat to new forms…

How Bitcoin Empowers Women

[Jan 30 5:01 PM] I was recently having a conversation with a friend in Kenya who described how difficult it was for women in that country to stand in local elections due to the complexity of setting up a bank account. The first challenge is to obtain identification…

The Bitcoin And Cypherpunk Spirit Is Alive And Well In Africa

[Jan 30 2:09 PM] In the past two months, I’ve attended the Adopting Bitcoin Cape Town conference in South Africa and the African Bitcoin Conference in Kenya. I’ve also visited Bitcoin circular economies in both of these countries including Bitcoin Ekasi, Afribit…

Silk Road’s Ross Ulbricht: 'Why Defend A Murderer?'

[Jan 22 6:19 PM] Ross Ulbricht, sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for creating the darknet market Silk Road, is free.Ulbricht is a freedom fighter to some, and a dangerous criminal to others. The former know Ulbricht as described in…

ARKA NOEGO / NOAH’S ARK: On Solidarity and Bitcoin

[Jan 13 5:20 PM] A Peaceful RevolutionDuring the 1980’s, a genuine popular movement arose in Poland that ended up toppling the communist regime in that country. Although there were many anticommunist intellectuals writing and being read in Poland at the time, the…

Recounting Ethiopia’s Bitcoin Developments In 2024

[Jan 1 5:29 PM] Ethiopia’s state-owned power producer, and a population of 126 million Ethiopians, welcomed the bitcoin mining industry in 2024 with an attractive electricity rate of USD 3.2 cents KWh. In this past year EEP has generated USD 55 million in revenues…

Neobank Yopaki Aims To Make Every Mexican A Bitcoiner

[Dec 31, 2025 7:25 PM] Company Name: YopakiFounders: Francisco Chavarria (CEO) and Carlos Chida (CTO)Date Founded: March 2023Location of Headquarters: Austin, TXNumber of Employees: Four full time; one part timeWebsite: https://www.yopaki.com/Public or Private? PrivateIn…

A Very Bitcoin Christmas

[Dec 25, 2024 4:14 PM] Twas the night before Christmas, and all on the chain, Bitcoin was soaring, with no hodler in pain.The bulls had returned, sleighing bears left and right, now six figure Bitcoin was an everyday sight.All miners were buzzing, hash rates on the rise…

Why Bitcoin is the Most Islamic Money

[Dec 10, 2024 5:30 PM] The Islamic conceptualisation of finance is built around a set of core principles which give primacy to honesty, fairness and accountability in trade and transactions. As such, Islamic finance seeks uphold justice, transparency, and shared…


[Nov 20, 2024 6:12 PM] Today’s modern Bitcoin exchanges have drastically improved access to Bitcoin ownership in 2024. Gone are the days of janky peer-to-peer (P2P) trade forums and questionably secure early exchanges like Mt Gox. Instead, a legion of Bitcoin on-ramps…

The Consensus Conundrum

[Nov 15, 2024 5:00 PM] A lot of consensus-change proposals for bitcoin are on the table at the moment. All of them have good motivations, whether it's scaling UTXO ownership or making self-custody more tractable. I won’t rehash them here, you’re probably already…

A Nation of Individuals?

[Nov 14, 2024 6:35 PM] It is the prospect of the sovereign individual that seems to most trouble the nation-state today. This odd threat perception has been the outgrowth of a political genealogy that, in the generations since the American Revolution, has increasingly…

Will the Second Crypto President Be Like the First?

[Nov 13, 2024 5:31 PM] This is the dawning of the Age of Crypto. Again.Number 47. The Bitcoin President. The Crypto President. The Cryptocurrency President.But not: The Cryptography President.Back when the word “crypto” meant “cryptography”, the personal computer and th

I Bought Bitcoin Today – And Felt Nothing

[Nov 13, 2024 4:44 PM] I looked at my wallet and saw a sad six digits. It used to be seven, or such was the case after I rolled over the balance of my monthly expenses, dollar cost averaging into Bitcoin and then sending it to my Casa cold storage. Follow Rizzo on…

The Digit Addiction Pandemic

[Nov 12, 2024 7:02 PM] The Dystopian Present – Fiat Has Made Us All Digit AddictsEveryone wants to make you an addict. Some people sell illicit drugs on the black market and want you to become addicted to them so they can profit from you. The dealers naturally focus on…

Bhutan - Another Country Using Bitcoin To Escape Poverty

[Oct 29, 2024 4:55 PM] Having invested in startups for over twenty years I have deep respect for entrepreneurs trying to build a company. It is so difficult. And more often than not, it doesn’t work out. Developing a whole country, of course, is much more difficult. Many…