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Posts: 12


Slovakia to Lower Tax on Income From Crypto Holdings

[Jun 30, 2023 4:30 PM] Lawmakers in Slovakia have adopted legislation that will reduce the tax burden for cryptocurrency holders in the country. Income derived from long-term investments in digital assets will also be relieved from healthcare taxes, the parliamentarians…

South Korean Politician Quits Party Over Crypto Scandal

[May 15, 2023 2:30 AM] A member of the South Korean parliament is leaving his party amid mounting allegations of massive crypto investments inconsistent with his frugal public image. The controversy, which has caught the attention of the Korean society, involves…

Italy Wants to Tax Crypto Gains at 26% From 2023

[Dec 1, 2022 8:30 AM] The new government of Italy plans to impose a 26% tax on capital gains from crypto trading, according to the draft budget for next year. The center-right coalition in power is also preparing to oblige Italians to declare their digital assets and…