13 / 13 Relevant items tagged with #CryptoAssets

Posts: 378


Italy Wants to Tax Crypto Gains at 26% From 2023

[Dec 1, 2022 8:30 AM] The new government of Italy plans to impose a 26% tax on capital gains from crypto trading, according to the draft budget for next year. The center-right coalition in power is also preparing to oblige Italians to declare their digital assets and…

National Bank of Ukraine Unveils E-hryvnia Concept

[Dec 1, 2022 2:30 AM] The central bank of Ukraine has presented to interested parties a draft concept of the nation’s future digital currency, the e-hryvnia. The regulator is currently considering several potential applications for its digital coin, including retail…

Crypto Exchange FTX Fires 3 Top Executives, Report Reveals

[Nov 19, 2022 7:00 AM] Three high-ranking executives of failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX have reportedly been dismissed. Among them is one of the co-founders of what was one of the industry’s largest trading platforms, which is currently in bankruptcy proceedings in…

Regulator Halts Trading of FTX Tokens in Indonesia

[Nov 17, 2022 1:00 PM] The agency overseeing Indonesia’s crypto market has stopped the trading of FTX tokens on domestic platforms. The announcement comes after FTX, the exchange that issued the FTT token, filed for bankruptcy in the United States and was subjected to…

Brussels Set to Begin Talks on EU Crypto Tax, Report Reveals

[Nov 12, 2022 1:30 AM] The European Commission is preparing to discuss with member states the adoption of a common tax regime for crypto assets, European officials have indicated. The talks with national treasuries are expected to start next year with the aim to end the…