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Posts: 12


UK Court Recognizes USDT as ‘Distinct Form of Property’

[Sep 15, 2024 11:15 PM] A High Court of England and Wales has ruled that stablecoin tether (USDT) is recognized as property under English law. The court clarified that cryptocurrencies, despite not being physical assets, can be treated similarly to tangible and intangible…

Thailand Threatens Facebook With Shutdown Over Crypto Scams

[Aug 23, 2023 3:30 AM] The government in Bangkok will try to shut down Facebook in Thailand alleging the social media network isn’t doing enough to stop scams. Fraudsters have been luring users to invest in fake companies and cryptocurrencies, authorities said, and the…

Colombian Court Holds Hearing in the Metaverse

[Feb 17, 2023 1:00 PM] Colombian courts held one of the first judicial hearings using metaverse tech. María Victoria Quiñones Triana, the magistrate of the Magdalena court, approved the realization of this hearing, using Horizon Worlds technology provided by Meta and…

UK Court Rules Craig Wright Has No Copyright Claim On Bitcoin

[Feb 8, 2023 3:21 PM] The ruling is the latest in a string of court cases that have ended with a decision against Craig Wright.A United Kingdom court has ruled against Craig Wright, indicating that he has no copyright claim over Bitcoin’s code.According to the Tuesday…