4 / 12 Relevant items tagged with #Congress

Posts: 332


Did Elizabeth Warren Just Endorse Bitcoin? Not So Fast

[Feb 15 3:43 PM] A stunt from Bitcoin supporters led to the appearance that the U.S. senator and staunch cryptocurrency opponent Elizabeth Warren signed an order for a flag to be flown over the U.S. capitol commemorating Satoshi Nakamoto.

A Backdoor Regulatory Option Haunts U.S. Crypto

[Jan 29 7:00 AM] After the 2008 global financial meltdown, Congress set up a round table of regulators who could wield a unique tool against the next emerging threats. The Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) can tag companies with systemic-risk labels that…

Pro-Blockchain Bill Clears Hurdle in U.S. House

[Dec 6, 2023 3:32 PM] Another crypto bill has cleared the goal posts of a committee in the U.S. House of Representatives, with the unanimous approval of legislation that would direct the U.S. Secretary of Commerce to support blockchain technology.