[Jun 11, 2024 12:52 AM] Solana has recommended validators in the network upgrade to the latest Mainnet Beta 1.18.15, which includes several fixes to address network performance and stability. The release includes a central scheduler functionality that can be turned on…
[Apr 28, 2024 1:20 PM] Anza, a dev collective behind Solana, recommended the adoption of Agave v1.18.12 into the blockchain’s devnet and testnet. This new version of the mentioned client ships with a central scheduler that aims to reduce congestion by increasing…
[Apr 21, 2024 1:49 PM] Solana developers have successfully pushed a series of fixes to address network congestion issues. On April 15, Solana urged validators to update to v1.17.31, a version that changes how certain validators are treated depending on their stake…
[Apr 14, 2024 1:38 PM] Anza, a collective of developers focused on the Solana blockchain, has produced a fix that aims to reduce the congestion that the network has been experiencing. The new version of Solana, now being tried in testnet, includes a feature called…
[Jul 5, 2023 3:30 PM] Throughout the past week, the Bitcoin blockchain has successfully confirmed over 187,000 unconfirmed transactions, as shown by recent statistics. This has not only reduced a significant portion of the congestion but also led to a decrease in…
[Jun 5, 2023 5:30 AM] Ethereum faces congestion for validators to enter and begin staking in the protocol. According to data from Wenmerge, an information dashboard, more than 90,000 validators are waiting to provide protocol validation services on Ethereum. This means…
[May 14, 2023 7:30 AM] Twitter CEO Elon Musk has shared what he calls a “massive incentive” to get money out of bank accounts, noting “bank depositor flight will accelerate to extreme levels, even for banks that are ‘too big to fail.’” Personal finance
[May 10, 2023 11:30 PM] The Bitcoin mempool, otherwise known as the network’s transaction backlog, is still clogged with over 390,000 transactions waiting to be processed by miners. To clear the mempool, more than 190 blocks need to be mined. As the scaling issues…
[May 9, 2023 1:30 AM] Binance has announced its intention of implementing Lightning Network, a layer 2 Bitcoin scaling protocol, on its platform after experiencing an episode of congestion regarding withdrawals on the Bitcoin network. The exchange had to pause bitcoin…
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