6 / 24 Relevant items tagged with #CBDC

Posts: 709


CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act Back in the Senate

[Feb 27 10:30 PM] The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act has been reintroduced in the Senate with the support of five U.S. senators. “As Americans face the prospect of an increasingly weaponized government, ensuring financial privacy is pivotal,” said one…

Report: Egypt Wants to Have a Functioning CBDC by 2030

[Jan 16 2:00 AM] Egypt reportedly aims to launch a central bank digital currency by 2030 to boost the competitiveness of its national currency. According to an Egyptian economic expert, a digital currency issued by the central bank is more secure than privately…

Then They Fight You

[Jan 8 7:30 AM] All great revolutions encounter resistance as social change moves its way through the people. This can happen gradually then suddenly, but resistance will be there. People do not easily change their world views. We (Americans) are about to…

75 US Lawmakers Now Support CBDC Anti-Surveillance Bill

[Jan 2 12:30 AM] Congressman Tom Emmer’s CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act now has 75 cosponsors. “A central bank digital currency is government-controlled programmable money that, if not designed to emulate cash, could give the federal government the ability to…

Palau Moves Ahead With Second Phase of Stablecoin Pilot

[Dec 17, 2023 11:30 PM] The Republic of Palau has announced the launch of the second phase of its stablecoin project. Jay Hunter Anson, a member of the board of directors of Palau’s Ministry of Finance (MOF), declared that the new phase will focus on building a…

City of Basel Settles Tokenized Bonds Using Wholesale CBDC

[Dec 12, 2023 3:30 AM] The Swiss city of Basel recently settled a series of tokenized bonds using a wholesale central bank digital currency (WCBDC) as part of Helvetia III, a WCBDC pilot program. The system is designed to prioritize efficiency, as having on-chain funds…