10 / 10 Relevant items tagged with #Brazil

Posts: 282


Brazil Approves Bill Regulating Use Of Bitcoin As Payment

[Nov 29, 2022 6:31 PM] Brazilian lawmakers have approved a complete regulatory framework for crypto, regulating the use of bitcoin as payment.Brazilian lawmakers have approved a complete regulatory framework for the trading and use of cryptocurrencies in the…

Brazilian Cryptocurrency Bill Resurfaces After General Ballot

[Nov 21, 2022 3:30 AM] The Brazilian cryptocurrency bill, sidelined several times due to the general election ballot that happened on October 30, might be discussed and voted on during the following week. According to reports, the project identified as 4.401/2021 will be…

Brazil Based FTX Customers Organizing to File Class-Action Lawsuit

[Nov 18, 2022 8:00 AM] A group of customers of the recently collapsed crypto exchange FTX, is organizing to take legal action against the company. The suit would be led by Ray Nasser, CEO of Arthur Mining, and will be brought by customers who had more than $100,000 on…