[Nov 1, 2024 9:30 AM] Ahead of its monthly close, Bitcoin (BTC) has seen another unsuccessful attempt to reclaim the $72,000 resistance as a support level. Despite the drop, some analysts consider the cryptocurrency is still in a strong position for an upcoming…
[Oct 31, 2024 11:25 AM] In just 16 years, Bitcoin has grown to become the world’s 10th largest asset and the best currency for “financial freedom,” according to Tether CEO, Paolo Ardoino.
[Jul 16, 2024 2:37 PM] As news emerged about British High Court Judge James Mellor’s referral to prosecute Craig Wright for perjury, Wright’s website, craigwright.net, now displays a legal notice stating he is not Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of bitcoin. The main…
[Nov 6, 2023 10:39 AM] Bitcoin White Paper Day, celebrated on October 31, marks the 15th anniversary of the release of the groundbreaking Bitcoin white paper by the pseudonymous person or group known as Satoshi Nakamoto. This pivotal document, titled "Bitcoin: A…
[Oct 31, 2023 11:30 AM] Fifteen years ago, on a memorable Halloween night, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the world to Bitcoin through a white paper that laid the foundation for decentralized digital currencies. Published on a cryptography mailing list, this seminal document…
[Jul 16, 2023 12:00 PM] Ever since the genesis of Bitcoin, the identity of its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, has remained shrouded in profound intrigue, evolving into one of the most captivating enigmas of all time. While numerous speculators picture a solitary genius behind…
[Jun 25, 2023 10:30 AM] Satoshi Nakamoto, a captivating figure in the world of cryptocurrencies, remains an enigma, intriguing both crypto enthusiasts and experts. Numerous individuals have stepped forward over the years, proclaiming themselves as the elusive creator of…
[Jan 26, 2023 6:30 AM] Bitcoin was once viewed as a means to opt out of violent, legacy financial systems. Now, it is being co-opted by the very same, and zealous newcomers to crypto think that’s a good thing, while still giving lip service to peer-to-peer values…
[Nov 28, 2022 11:30 PM] Since people are once again talking about self-custody as one of crypto’s unique strengths, I would like to remind everyone about an equally important fundamental value proposition of crypto that, in the early days, was touted as the killer…
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