[Aug 24, 2023 6:00 PM] The BRICS economic bloc has invited six countries to become new members: Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The BRICS leaders wrapped up their 15th annual summit on Thursday. “We have reached agreement on…
[Jul 25, 2023 8:00 PM] The BRICS economic bloc has invited 69 leaders to its upcoming summit, including all African heads of state and the political heads of major Global South bodies. More than 40 countries have expressed interest to join the BRICS group, with 22…
[Jul 20, 2023 9:30 PM] South Africa’s top diplomat responsible for BRICS relations has revealed that more than 40 countries are interested in joining the economic bloc. Among them, 22 nations have formally applied for membership. He believes that the BRICS group…
[Jun 24, 2023 11:30 PM] From the latter half of 2022 and continuing into 2023, the concept of de-dollarization has gained significant traction, making its mark on the mainstream media. This surge in attention can be attributed to the concerted efforts of BRICS countries…
[May 16, 2023 7:30 PM] The BRICS countries are developing guidelines in response to increasing demand from countries seeking to join, according to South Africa’s Foreign Affairs Minister Naledi Pandor. “BRICS is attracting a lot of interest from a number of…
[Apr 21, 2023 7:00 PM] Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud discussed potential collaboration between Saudi Arabia and the BRICS on Friday. In addition, Putin and the Saudi Crown Prince “expressed satisfaction with the…
[Apr 12, 2023 7:30 PM] The BRICS nations are focusing on increasing their international roles and “enhancing coordination on key multilateral platforms,” Russia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs reportedly revealed after a meeting with BRICS ambassadors. He stressed “the…
[Apr 12, 2023 11:30 AM] The Russian central bank has attributed the ruble’s latest plunge against the U.S. dollar to the temporary reduction “in sales of foreign currency earnings by exporters.” The central bank also revealed that the Chinese yuan…
[Apr 4, 2023 1:30 PM] After Saudi Arabia and members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) surprised the world by announcing cuts to oil production, a spokesperson for U.S. president Biden’s National Security Council stated that reducing…
[Apr 2, 2023 5:30 PM] On Sunday, Saudi Arabia and several major oil producers announced their plan to cut oil production by 1.15 million barrels per day, starting in May and continuing until the end of 2023. According to the Saudi Energy Ministry, the move was…
[Apr 1, 2023 7:30 PM] The BRICS nations are reportedly working on developing a new form of currency, which is expected to be discussed at the next BRICS leaders’ summit, according to a top Russian official. “The transition to settlements in national…
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