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What are Bitcoin ordinals?

[Mar 9, 2023 2:20 AM] Bitcoin ordinals have been the most hyped-up Web3 trend of 2023 so far. How do ordinals compare to traditional NFTs, and what are the opportunities?

Concerning Ordinals.

[Feb 6, 2023 11:00 AM] An objective look at the technical concerns behind Ordinals and the implications on the Bitcoin network.This is an opinion editorial by Mark Goodwin.ordinal (adj.)c. 1400, "regular, ordinary; well-regulated, proper," from Old French ordinel and…

Establishing The Architectural Styles Of Bitcoin

[Jan 13, 2023 7:00 AM] Our enduring buildings give stature to our best work, and the architectural style of Bitcoin institutions should reflect its high ideals.This is an opinion editorial by Frances Hogan Steffian, a writer, bitcoin investor and wife of an award-winning…