On the morning of Monday, August 14, 2023, at the precise block height of 803,135, a dormant bitcoin address — created on November 9, 2010 — stirred to life. After lying in slumber for an exacting 12.9 years, it awoke to spend a staggering 1,005 bitcoin, a sum swelling to an impressive value of more than $29 million.
Waking Giant: Bitcoin Address Stirs From 12.9-Year Slumber to Transfer $29.7 Million
In these modern times, bitcoin transactions from the era of 2010 have become a rarity. The last known spending of a dormant 2010 bitcoin occurred on July 24, 2023. On that particular day, a user unlocked a 50 BTC block reward, equivalent to $1.4 million. However, the movement on August 14, 2023, was tinged with a more extraordinary flair, as an astonishing 1,005 BTC, worth $29.7 million, was transferred.
The keen eyes of Btcparser.com first caught this monumental movement, while Whale Alert further corroborated the spend. Meanwhile, Blockchair’s privacy meter unmasked the transaction’s frailty, revealing that privacy was rather low when the 1,005 BTC was expended, and highlighting two critical flaws that undermined the transaction’s anonymity.
According to the privacy tool, the 1,005 BTC was gracefully swept into another address, accompanied by multiple appearances of the same address in the inputs. Blockchair reported that the funds found their new home at the address “bc1q6,” which, at the time of penning this account, comfortably nestles 1,004.99 BTC.
Interestingly, the original address harboring the 1,005 BTC remained unmoved with respect to the corresponding bitcoin cash (BCH) that the owner possesses. Bitcoin.com recently chronicled the stirring of $11.4 million worth of slumbering bitcoins from 2016 and 2014, as they awakened this past weekend after years of inertia.
These slumbering bitcoin transactions, particularly the enigmatic ones from 2010, inject a sense of intrigue and speculation. Enthusiasts find themselves captivated by the mystery, endeavoring to unravel the identity of the owner and the narrative intertwined with the coins.
Beyond the allure, this movement stands as a testament to the durability and longevity of BTC private keys when safeguarded with diligence.
What do you think about the 2010 address that spent 1,005 bitcoin on August 14 after 12.9 years of dormancy? Share your thoughts and opinions about this subject in the comments section below.
#News, #bc1q6Address, #297Million, #2010Era, #Anonymity, #Awakening, #Bitcoin, #Blockchair, #BTCPrivateKeys, #Btcparsercom, #DormantAddress, #DormantBitcoin, #Durability, #Inputs, #Intrigue, #Longevity, #MultipleAppearances, #PrivacyMeter, #Rarity, #SlumberingBitcoins, #Speculation, #Staggering, #Transfer, #WhaleAlert