Google accused of illegally terminating contract staffers who worked on AI: Report
The Alphabet Workers Union filed a report to the U.S. National Labor Relations Board accusing Google of violating labor law that prohibits retaliation against organizing.
Meta launches suite of generative AI music tools rivaling Google’s MusicLM
Meta’s latest suite of generative AI tools allows users to input text to create musical and audio compositions, rivaling a similar tool released this year by Google.
Canadian crypto ownership declined amid tight regulations, falling prices
The biggest motivation for Canadians interested in Bitcoin is an investment — as showcased by the choice of over one-third of the 4,996 respondents in the Bank of Canada's 2022 survey.
Bank of Russia reveals digital ruble’s logo and commission fees
From 2025 business-to-business transactions will cost $0.16 each, while individual customers will pay 0.3% of the total transaction sum when transferring to commercial accounts.
The cryptocurrency exchange also announced the addition of 22 cryptocurrencies as loanable and collateral assets on its Flexible Loan and VIP Loan services.
Nearly half of crypto copy traders are Gen Z, says Bitget report
Younger investors are more likely to take part in copy trading or social trading and take advice from social media influencers, according to the crypto exchange.
Could a Bitcoin bull run be triggered by Fitch’s US credit rating downgrade?
Fitch downgraded the U.S. credit rating due to its government debt and potential challenges in handling its fiscal responsibilities. Will Bitcoin’s price benefit from this decision?
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